Glimpses into our Journey – Part II

(The previous reflection, Glimpses into our Journey, was provided by an adoptive mother in the Life Connection’s Adoption Program.  Part II is shared from the perspective of the Birth Mother who placed her baby for adoption with this adoptive mother and her husband.)

When I found out I was pregnant I was scared and wasn’t sure what to do.  I was scared to be judged because I didn’t know who the father was.  I didn’t have a job at the time and all I wanted was what was best for this Little One.                                          

I felt from the beginning Little One needed a two parent home.  I checked out several agencies and I immediately felt a connection with Catholic Charities.  I didn’t know a lot about adoption, so I didn’t know what was in store for me and my mom, who was a great support.         

I walked in closed minded, though during hours of counseling they explained the difference between open and closed adoption.  I chose to pick the adoptive parents and meet with them.  I will call them Annie and Jeff.  I wanted Annie and Jeff to be a part of this process, as much as they could.  I asked them to be in the birthing room with me.  They came to the hospital and were by my side, with Catholic Charities and my mom.           

I ended up having to have a c-section and hospital policy allows only one person in the room.  I believe God’s hand was in this from the beginning because He changed the hospital policy and my mom, Annie and Jeff were all allowed in there with me.  I believe the Little One came into this world to be a blessing for another family.            

During counseling we learned bonding was very important with the Little One.  Annie and Jeff stayed at the hospital after Little One arrived so the bonding could begin.           

Catholic Charities was there as well as well to help with the process.  In my heart I knew I made the right decision.  Catholic Charities and Annie and Jeff were there for me all the way and are still with me today.  I still have a great relationship with Annie and Jeff and Little One.  I thank God, my mom, Annie and Jeff and Catholic Charities for all the support I received.  Thank you Catholic Charities for helping me make the most important decision in my life.  My Little One will now grow up in a loving two parent home, as well as knowing me.  I now explain my family to include Annie, Jeff, and Little One.                                                           

Thank you Catholic Charities, Annie, and Jeff

~ by kidsrfirst on January 8, 2010.

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